Wednesday, April 3, 2024 4:10pm to 5:05pm
About this Event
Chemistry Colloquium: Douglas Albright: Wed, Apr 03, 2024
Douglas Albright will be the guest speaker for the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry Colloquium. Douglas Albright is a Forensic Chemist in the Trace Examination Section of the U.S. Food & Drug Administration.
The fundamental mission of the Forensic Chemistry Center (FCC) is to protect the public health by providing analytical approaches, rapid development of methodology and expert scientific evaluations in support of investigations involving the safety of foods, drugs, and other FDA‐regulated products.
The FCC provides expert technical support and analyses for the FDA’s Office of Criminal Investigations (OCI) and for many high profile and emergency FDA regulatory samples to protect the consumer from fraudulent and harmful products. This full‐service laboratory provides rapid response and specialized analytical services in forensic chemistry and molecular/microbiology related to product tampering, counterfeiting, counterterrorism, adulteration/contamination, and product composition.
The FCC uses a variety of separation and detection techniques to identify unknown/non‐targeted chemical substances and quantitate targeted analytes. These include microchemical tests, gas and liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection, capillary electrophoresis, nuclear magnetic resonance, and high‐performance liquid chromatography. The laboratory employs light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, image analysis, variable wavelength light source analysis and Raman and near infrared imaging to examine samples. The FCC conducts elemental analyses using x‐ray fluorescence, atomic absorption spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and energy dispersive x‐ray analysis.
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