100 Ridges Circle, Athens, Ohio 45701

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REGISTER HERE (Pre-registration required by Noon, Fri. Dec. 6)

Kennedy Museum of Art’s December Community Open Studio will explore the process of coiling to make baskets inspired by the closing installation from collections, At/On the Table. In the gallery, attendees will be encouraged to reflect upon the conversations, connections, and actions that they have engaged in “at/on the table.” After learning the process, participants will create their own basket using plarn (plastic yarn made from shopping bags), yarn, and raffia. They will leave with a basket that could hold any number of items “on the table.” 

Instructor: Hannah Moulen- Graduate Student in Printmaking

Assisted by Education Team: Campbell Hogue- Theatre & Art History, & Maia Leclair- Journalism

IMAGE: Baskets made with plastic bags and raffia by Amina Kassim (MFA '22)



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