Friday, May 26, 2023
About this Event
Last day to add a full summer semester class (instructor's permission required).
If a student is trying to register for a class and is not able to get into it via the My OHIO Student Center, they might be able to request permission to get into the class through an online request. After the student completes the request, it will be approved or denied by the instructor, academic department/school, or regional campus. If approved the student will be notified to finish enrolling using the My OHIO Student Center. The entire process is online. Enrollment in the class must be finalized by the expiration date on the approved request.
The class permission process may be used when one or more of the following conditions exist:
Permission is required from department/instructor to enroll in class. Student does NOT meet requisites but believes they are otherwise prepared to take the course. Class is full. Permission to add class after the Friday of the first week of the semester. (Instructor's permission is required to add a class after the Friday of the first week of the semester.) Student has reached maximum repeat/retake limit Retaking course in same semester. Override major set aside. Faculty permission for time conflict. Note: Enrollment for an approved permission request must be processed on or before the expiration date given by the approver, but no later than the Friday of the second week of the semester.
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