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Presented by Jessica Alexander, PhD 


Series Objectives 

· Apply the backwards design framework to identify key goals for their class sessions/activities 

· Revise learning objectives to be clear, measurable, and student-centered based on those goals 

· Draft a mini-curricular map that aligns session-level learning objectives with course-level objectives 


Series Description 

My students don’t know what to study. There’s so much content to cover. I’m not sure exactly how my session fits into the overall curriculum. 


If you’ve had these thoughts, then we invite you to join this three-part workshop series which will introduce you to the principles of backwards design and writing learning outcomes. These two evidence-based practices will enable you to prioritize learning objectives, streamline your content, and guide students throughout the learning process. Additionally, this series will provide an opportunity for you to collaborate with colleagues as we prepare for the elimination of the RAT objectives in Fall. At the end of the series, you will have identified key goals/outcomes, written or revised your session-level outcomes based on those goals, and aligned your session-level outcomes to the course-level outcomes. 


Attend the series to get a jumpstart on your session planning for next year! If you’re unable to make the sessions, they will be recorded and available for later viewing. 



Session 1 (1/23/24): Backwards Design at the Session Level 

Using backwards design to plan learning experiences clarifies what you want your students to know and be able to do, leading to alignment in the curriculum and improved student success. In this session, you will be introduced to the backwards design framework, including its many benefits. You will also apply the first steps of this framework to identify and prioritize the key goals for your class sessions, which will be used to craft learning objectives.  


Session 2 (2/13/24): Using Bloom’s Taxonomy to Write Learning Objectives 

Crafting well-defined learning objectives is beneficial for providing a roadmap to guide students throughout your sessions and activities. During this interactive session, you will be introduced to Bloom’s taxonomy, a framework for categorizing levels of learning, and best practices for writing effective learning objectives. You will also use those best practices to revise or draft session-level objectives and receive peer feedback from colleagues. These objectives will be used in the final workshop of this series to create a mini-curriculum map of your session-level objectives and course objectives.  


Bring your key goals from Session 1 to revise and draft your learning objectives! 


Session 3 (2/27/24): Creating your Mini-Curriculum Map 

Understanding how your class sessions and activities fit into the broader curriculum is critical for delivering learning experiences that are meaningful and relevant for students. A curriculum map is a visual tool that provides an overview of how your session-level objectives align with course objectives. In this session, you will be introduced to tools for drafting curriculum maps and use those tools to draft a mini-map of your session-level objectives and course objectives. You'll also have the opportunity to review and learn from your peers' maps, fostering a deeper understanding of the curriculum. 


Event Details

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Session 1 (1/23/24) : 

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 240 370 557 378
Passcode: A24J3y


Session 2 (2/13/24) : 

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 282 398 504 014
Passcode: u9tr5g


Session 3 (2/27/24) : 

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Meeting ID: 244 581 523 251
Passcode: Ws9iLH

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