25 South Green Drive, Athens, Ohio 45701

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The Physics & Astronomy Colloquium Series presents Sergio Lopez-Permouth, discussing "Collaborations" on Feb 9.


Abstract: Let us consider the following game.


1. Choose your two favorite operations on a set S (e.g. addition and multiplication of natural numbers, or addition and subtraction of integers).

2. Choose your favorite property (e.g. "associativity", or even "being a group").

3. A new binary operation * on S is said to be a collaboration of your two chosen operations if it is such that, for any pair (a,b) of elements of S, the outcome a*b is obtained, in a deterministic way, by applying one or the other of the two fixed operations.

4. The goal of the game is to produce collaborations that satisfy your chosen favorite property.

This talk will show outcomes of our recent experimentation playing the above game. The results we have obtained include surprising results and potential applications (e.g. finding set theoretic solutions for the Yang-Baxter equation.)
Every possible effort will be made to keep prerequisites for this talk to a very minimum.


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