25 South Green Drive, Athens, Ohio 45701

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The Physics & Astronomy Colloquium Series presents Alex Deibel of Indiana University discussing "Investigating the Physics of Dense Matter: Experiments in the Neutron Star Lab" on Feb. 21



Abstract: The neutron star interior spans an enormous range of mass densities and contains many exotic phases of matter. Accordingly, observable X-ray phenomena from neutron stars are one of our best tools for studying matter at densities and temperatures difficult to access through terrestrial nuclear experiments. Numerical models of neutron star phenomena require detailed nuclear physics input, for example: nuclear masses, nuclear reaction rates, and thermal transport in degenerate matter. In turn, the application of numerical models to neutron star X-ray observations constrains many aspects of nuclear physics.


In this talk, I will discuss how numerical modeling of cooling neutron stars and thermonuclear X-ray bursts allows us to constrain nuclear masses and URCA cooling reaction cycles, theoretical models of neutron superfluidity, and the deformation of nuclei at high densities. I will also outline the new questions posed by reconciling models with observations and the future of modeling efforts in the era of NICER and FRIB.


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