22 Richland Avenue, Athens, Ohio 45701

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Plant Biology Colloquium | Ohio University Grounds: Past Present and Future, Sept. 15

The Plant Biology Colloquium series presents Steve Mack, Director of Facilities Management at Ohio University, discussing "Ohio University Grounds: Past Present and Future" on Sept. 15 in Porter 104 on the Athens Campus from 11:50 a.m. to 12:40 p.m.


Host: Glenn Matlack


For more information about the series, contact Dr. Glenn Matlack.


Abstract; The Athens campus is a big part of our lives. We spend a significant portion of our waking hours and, for some of us, most of our entire lives in an area of just 350 acres (not counting the Ridges), so the character of the campus has a profound effect on our psyche. The job of maintaining the quality of that space falls to the Department of Facilities Management. Facilities look after a landscape that is covered by 36% lawn, 27% buildings, and 21% streets, walks, and parking lots. Trees, which are central to most people’s experience of the campus, cover only 11%. On the steepest slopes we actually have 5% that could be called forest. And don’t forget the 1% water in Emeriti Park! On any particular day ~25,000 people use the campus and the elements are constantly wearing away at it, requiring constant upkeep. Steve will give us an overview of Ohio University grounds covering staffing, equipment, approaches to lawns, landscaping and trees.

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