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Plant Biology Colloquium | Population genetics, systematics and patterns of migration of Amsonia (Apocynaceae), Dec. 1

The Plant Biology Colloquium series presents Dylan Cohen, of the Chicago Botanical Garden in Glencoe, Illinois, discussing "Population genetics, systematics and patterns of migration of Amsonia (Apocynaceae)" on Dec. 1 in Porter 104 on the Athens Campus from 11:50 a.m. to 12:40 p.m.


Host: John Schenk


For more information about the series, contact Dr. Glenn Matlack.


Abstract: Species consist of a finite number of ephemeral and interconnected populations that vary across space and time.  Landuse change and habitat fragmentation can disrupt gene flow and create small, isolated populations that may become a conservation concern due to inbreeding and low genetic diversity. Amsonia (Apocynaceae) are perennial, shrubs with salverform corollas that attract moths, bees, and other pollinators. Amsonia tharpii is only known from five populations in a region with an intense landuse history. I will present patterns of migration at the population level by comparing the genetic diversity and population connectivity of two narrowly endemic Amsonia species to a broadly distributed species to address if landuse changes are impacting the genetic health of A. tharpii.  I will present preliminary phylogenetic results for the genus and discuss evolutionary relationships considering broad patterns of migration and divergence.


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