Wednesday, October 25, 2023 12pm to 1pm
About this Event
Register for this presentation at the top of this page next to "I'm interested." We will serve pizza for in-person attendees, but ask that you bring your own water bottle. Please note, space to attend this presentation in-person at The Ridges is limited to 30 people and registration is required to attend. A virtual option is also available to participate in this session.
Health equity is achieved when everyone has a fair and just opportunity to attain their highest level of health (Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2023). Addressing laws, policies, and practices that have created obstacles to good health for all people is an opportunity for those in public service to work collaboratively with public health practitioners and other community stakeholders to advance health equity. Everyone has a role in shaping health outcomes! This presentation will define health equity terminology and intersectionality of those terms, provide an overview of social determinants and how they impact health and explore the value of cross-sector collaboration for improved health outcomes.
If you would like to request an ASL interpreter or other accommodation to attend this session, please contact Mackenzie Kucharsky at
About the virtual presenter:
Dr. Dawn M. Thomas currently serves as Prevention Systems Manager with the Ohio Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services (OhioMHAS) and has 30 years of public service that has focused on prevention, training, mental health, and other social services programming. She has significant experience fostering and promoting close working relationships between state, county, and local social service systems/agencies.
Dr. Thomas is an Ohio Certified Prevention Consultant (OCPC) and previously served as Project Director for Ohio’s Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant (SPF-SIG), the Partnerships for Success (SPF-PFS) State and Tribal Initiative Grant and most recently the Ohio Disaster Response Project (ODRP) all awarded from SAMHSA and totaling $25 million dollars.
Dr. Thomas’ work is all about building and nurturing authentic relationships to create and effect change. She is extremely passionate about working with organizations and communities from their cultural lens and understands that cultural competence is an ongoing process that must first be grounded in cultural humility. She is eager to create collaborative partnerships and utilizes interactive presentations, education, training, and intensive technical assistance to help organizations and communities achieve their desired change. Dr. Thomas is fiercely dedicated to achieving health equity through social justice!
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