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The Ohio University Press invites graduate students, faculty, and first-time authors to a free informational session on scholarly publishing on Monday, April 17, from noon to 1 p.m. in Alden Library 319. Staff members will meet attendees in a casual setting to talk about university presses and how they work. Registration is not required, but space is limited.


Director Beth Pratt, Editor in Chief Ricky Huard, and Managing Editor Tyler Balli will talk through how prospective authors move their project from an initial proposal to a finished book.


Pratt notes, “As scholarly publishers, we understand that the process of turning a dissertation into a manuscript or finding an appropriate publisher for your project can be daunting. We'd like to provide basic information on how to get started and what to expect.”


Topics will include


  • how to write a book proposal,
  • how to find the best press for your work,
  • how to approach an acquiring editor,
  • how to deal with permissions issues for photographs and illustrations, and
  • how to work with publishers’ editorial and production departments.


The presentation will include handouts and suggested readings, and a question-and-answer period will follow, time permitting.


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