96 East Union Street, Athens, Ohio 45701

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Take Root Dance Company
In residence at Ohio University - School of Dance 

Free Concert:
Saturday, January 18th
7:00 pm 
Shirley Wimmer Dance Theater
Putnam Hall

Beginning with their first full-length concert of the same name in 2013, Take Root commanded attention with their intricate partnering, thought provoking details and unrestricted vision. Take Root’s kin-esthetic connections to one another and their audiences creates thoughtful and visceral works of art; from the smallest gesture to the most explosive charges of movement. 

Calling Rochester, Michigan their home, Take Root resides at Oakland University under the direction of its founder, Ali Woerner.  Appreciating the many facets of art, the company thrives on collaboration and nontraditional spaces. Take Root’s multi-disciplinary approach to concepts and movement allows for their accessibility to all ages and backgrounds. They investigate the process of human connections, allowing their unique voice to directly reach audiences.​

Take Root prides themselves with their successful and impactful outreach programs, Dance for Parkinson's Disease and the Arts Education Impact Program.  Take Root stands out from other dance companies through their mission to impact lives through dance!

Take Root's FREE Dance for Parkinson's Disease Program provides a safe and inclusive environment, welcoming ALL participants, care givers and spouses, using dance to impact the lives of others. ​Dance for Parkinson's Disease participants will be empowered to explore movement and music in ways that are refreshing, enjoyable, stimulating and creative.  

This class is an aesthetic experience that uses the elements of narrative, imagery, and community to develop artistry and grace while addressing such PD specific concerns as balance, flexibility, coordination, isolation and depression.  The classes engage participants' minds and bodies, and create an enjoyable, social environment that emphasizes dancing rather than therapy.  Actively led by professional Take Root dancers inspiring participants to recapture grace, while guided improvisation fosters creativity, and experimentation with movement.

​Ali was honored to receive the Hero Award from the Rockin in Rochester Parkinson’s Group this year and will be proud to walk along side them 2023 Metro Detroit Parkinson Hero Walk on September 23rd.

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  • Mina Sadeghzadeh
  • Natalie Foltz
  • Sloan Fullen

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